Can I bring food to the EXPO Center?
***This one is a BIG deal***Yes, you may bring food. However, we need to strictly follow a few guidelines.
- On-site dinners must be in the form of a sack lunch. You absolutely cannot bring fast food into the building.
- WATER only. Period.
- When possible, you should not eat in your costume. If you must eat in costume, avoid greasy or dark-colored foods. It may be useful to bring a robe for kids to put over their costume when eating.
- Outside food may ONLY be eaten in our cast room and may only be brought in discretely. No one outside our cast/families should ever see food from outside.
If we do not strictly adhere to these guidelines, we could lose our permission to bring food altogether.
What time do I need to be there today:
4:30 to 5:00 - Orphans5:00 to 5:30 - Pick Pockets
5:30 to 6:00 - Ensemble for Dec 25th, Thank You, Fine Life, Oom Pah Pah
Be dressed in your first OLIVER costume
6:00 to .... - Everyone must be in costume, hair, and makeup with microphones and have checked their props by 6:00 pm.
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