December 10, 2013

Anticipating your FAQ's

Can I bring food to the EXPO Center?

***This one is a BIG deal***
Yes, you may bring food.  However, we need to strictly follow a few guidelines.

  1. On-site dinners must be in the form of a sack lunch.  You absolutely cannot bring fast food into the building.
  2. WATER only.  Period.  
  3. When possible, you should not eat in your costume.  If you must eat in costume, avoid greasy or dark-colored foods.  It may be useful to bring a robe for kids to put over their costume when eating.
  4. Outside food may ONLY be eaten in our cast room and may only be brought in discretely.  No one outside our cast/families should ever see food from outside.

If we do not strictly adhere to these guidelines, we could lose our permission to bring food altogether.

What time do I need to be there today:

4:30 to 5:00 - Orphans
5:00 to 5:30 - Pick Pockets
5:30 to 6:00 - Ensemble for Dec 25th, Thank You, Fine Life, Oom Pah Pah
                      Be dressed in your first OLIVER costume
6:00 to ....    - Everyone must be in costume, hair, and makeup with microphones and have checked their props by 6:00 pm.

How much makeup should I wear?

A little more than everyday makeup, a little less than full stage makeup.  Little girls and teen girls don't need much at all.  Men only need makeup if they are really fair-skinned in which case they may need darkened eyebrows and a bit of "guy" liner.

Where should I park?

Your guess is as good as mine.  :)  Arrive early to allow time to park and walk.

When will I get my wrist bands?

Tonight.  Gabe Pierce's mom will have them.  It is your responsibility to pick them up.

I'm sure there are more...

But hopefully that will get us through today.  See you all there!

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